- The great paradox of our time: everything is both better and worse than ever before
- Your online activity is now effectively a social ‘credit score’
- Don’t Teach Your Kid to Code. Teach Them to Communicate. – questo, per me, sta diventando un tema hot e leggo quanto più possibile in materia;
- Man Tracks Down People He Photographed in the Street 40 Years Ago to Recreate Their Pictures
- The environmental cost of keeping mail and files online keeps rising — Data we don’t even use requires as much energy as the airline industry, according to Parnassus Investments analyst Andrew Choi. Non è la prima volta, in questi ultimi mesi, che sento e leggo di questo inquietante aspetto della nostra società.
- Articoli Correlati per Tag :
- insegnamento
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- programmazione
- social network
- società
- sostenibilità