- We asked five menstruation apps for our data and here is what we found… — "We asked five menstruation apps to give us access to our data. We got a dizzying dive into the most intimate information about us”;
- Scientists Write ‘Hello World’ in Bacterial DNA With Electricity and CRISPR
- How SEO Is Gentrifying the Internet
- Here’s a Way to Learn if Facial Recognition Systems Used Your Photos — An online tool targets only a small slice of what’s out there, but may open some eyes to how widely artificial intelligence research fed on personal images;
- Why you should care about data privacy even if you have “nothing to hide” — Yes, your data is used to sell you shoes. But it also may be used to sell you an ideology.
Oggi pubblico con un po’ di ritardo, ma mi perdonerete … in vista delle prossime settimane di arresto domiciliare senza aver commesso reato, ho preferito concedermi una passeggiata all’aperto con la famiglia.