Cose di lavoro
Dove riporto attività e memo su quello che faccio al lavoro.
Ci sono 50 archiviati in Cose di lavoro (questa è la pagina 2 di 5).
But Where Do People Work In This Office?
I could go on and on and on. The pattern keeps repeating.
With everything we know about openplan offices, why are these mega-rich companies knocking themselves out to hire the very best and brightest minds from the world’s best universities, paying them huge salaries, tapping world-class architects to design artisanal office spaces in the most expensive place in the country, and then cramming desks together in noisy bullpens?
Matt Blodgett, But Where Do People Work in This Office? →
On his post Matt asks a question that has always come to my mind when seeing those Big Company workplaces on magazines and specialized blogs.
My desk is usually messy, in a room of four and a lot of times I feel we’re too many, especially when each of us is at work on something different, with different people coming in … in person or via a Skype or phone call.
All research papers from Nature will be made free to read in a proprietary screen-view format that can be annotated but not copied, printed or downloaded, the journal’s publisher Macmillan announced on 2 December.
via Nature: news
scientific publications have to make transition to open science
“An inherent principle of publication is that others should be able to replicate and build upon the authors’ published claims. Therefore, a ondition of publication in a Nature journal is that authors are required to make materials, data and associated protocols available to readers promptly on request.”
— Nature, Availability of data and materials Magazine last June 12nd published an interesting (and promising) article on Nature Methods, one of the most respected scientific publications in the world, shifting with decision to an ‘open science’ model for its articles approval process…
a game changer
Researcher Natalia Ivanova was parsing this data when she noticed something strange: several bacteria had really short genes, around 200 nucleotides long, a far cry from the more typical 800-900 nucleotide length she was expecting. Short genes mean short proteins, and in this case, seemingly nonfunctional ones. The only way to make it coherent was if “stop” codons didn’t actually mean “stop”.
Ivanova experimented computationally with various codon reassignments, and ultimately found that things looked a lot more normal if “opal” was translated as a glycine amino acid. In other words, “the same word means different things in different organisms,” says Eddy Rubin, JGI’s Director. The microbial world is multilingual.
Wired, Is DNA multilingual? →
AllBio Congress – Florence 2014
We’ve finally published the website regarding this year’s AllBio conference, entitled:
Broadening the Bioinformatics Infrastructure to Unicellular, Animal, and Plant Science
To know more, and register (for free!) please point your browsers to:
the Data Science workflow
via Josh Willis’s talk From the Lab to the Factory: Building a production machine learning infrastructure.
scientific bad poster bingo
A “game” to play at your next scientific (or schoolar) conference. If you win ALL the times then point your browser to Better Posters to get some insightful tips & tricks on the art of visual communication…
Bioinformatics in Apulia
We’re on-line with the new website dedicated to a Bioinformatics meeting addressed to all the Apulia actors of this science’s branch. The event will take place next december 3rd.
one more year at ITB, Bari – CNR
Technical Collaborator …
Aug. 1st I’ve started (yet again) a 12 months collaboration contract with Bari’s section of the C.N.R.’s Institute for Biomedical Technologies for the “Identification, classification and configuration of a bioinformatics infrastructure for the RNA-Seq noncoding RNAs data functional analysis” within the LIBI project.