vent’anni di blog

Patrick Rhone

“This blog has had many different points of focus over the years. From geeky, mainly Apple, tech stuff to GTD-driven personal productivity stuff, to practical/actionable life advice stuff to the anything goes sort of thing it is now. And, that’s exactly what a blog should be — a reflection of your interest and attention over time. A reflection of who you are right now and where you’ve been. Blogs are living things that should grow at the same rate we do.”

Patrick Rhone

Chi ci portiamo

Come si allestisce una scuola che produca persone formate, capaci di intendere un ragionamento, di maneggiare numeri, comprendere un concetto? Come si costruisce una società dove l’intelligenza (letteralmente, la comprensione) del mondo sia un titolo di merito effettivo e un incoraggiamento per gli altri? In che modo promuovere la superiorità del pensiero sopra il riflesso della parte rettile del cervello?

Lucio Bragagnolo

14 regole per mantenere la tua sanità mentale on-line

Diversi anni fa Kai Brach, l’autore dietro il mio adorato Offscreen Magazine e della newsletter Dense Discovery, condivise questo poster motivazionale.

Kai ha elencato quattordici semplici regole che, se applicate correttamente, possono aiutarci a relazionarci correttamente, in una maniera socialmente e psicologicamente sana, alla nostra vita (online e non, direi).

Sul punto sette ho “in canna” una citazione ad-hoc di un articolo letto giusto l’altro ieri che avevo in mente di condividere a breve.

Sul punto dieci mi ritrovo nel lavoro fatto negli anni nel mio piccolo canale Slack “SulPulmino” nato da una serie ricorrente di conversazioni online su Twitter con vari amici, dove ci rincorrevamo tra thread diversi usando quell’hashtag. A distanza di anni il canale è ancora vivo, nonostante molti si siano allontanati (anche dall’uso della piattaforma, che dopo un periodo incredibile di crescita della sua adozione ha visto un crollo verticale … almeno stando alle mie esperienze). Parliamo di Apple, di software, cazzeggiamo, arte e fumetti, musica. Se ti interessa partecipare scrivimi l’email a cui mandare l’invito per partecipare.

Infine, il punto quattro. Prima di intraprendere qualunque azione on-line prendiamoci un momento. Respiriamo. E riflettiamo se abbiamo tempo, voglia ed energia necessarie a portare avanti una discussione (piacevole o meno) sull’argomento.

sull’essere parte della cultura della società

If you have a keyboard, you have the chance to speak to some people – the people who want to hear from you. It is possible, when the stars align, for that group to be a billion, or it might only be ten, but there is a number of people that you can engage with and if you change the culture then you change everything.
My argument for more than twenty years has been that we are each responsible for the culture where we are living, because we each have the ability to do something about it.

Seth Godin

Sulla fiducia

… as technology kept on evolving, trust continued to be redistributed again and again through networks, systems and platforms, leading to our era of distributed trust, where we have new and different forms of trusting people – complete strangers – to a scale never seen before.

We’re already asking how our old institutions can involve more people, and how distributed forms… might provide the kind of safety nets that used to be the role the had.

Rachel Botsman, intervistata su Offscreen Magazine nº23


Real learning comes through doing things, failing, connecting, exploring, discovering.

That is at the heart of what it means to be a human, and that’s how we learn to ride a bike, it’s how we learn to walk, it’s how we learn to talk, it’s how we learn to cook.

I do think humanity and culture will outlast whatever current constructs we have around the educational-industrial complex. And we need to teach people how to be able to have a thoughtful, spirited conversation in which it’s possible to change your mind. I don’t think we’re teaching people how to do that in a traditional school setting, and we’re paying the price for it.

Seth Godin, Offscreen Magazine nº23

Tutto quello che ho da dire sull’AI

The more I’ve learned about information science, effective information behaviors, the organization of information, information literacy, and the research process, I realize that the common thing uniting all of these things is summarization.

In short, the key skill for making sense of the world of information is developing the ability to concisely and precisely summarize some body of information in your own words.

Trying to replace this learning process with automated tools is the antithesis of intelligence—the value in summarization is not the produced summary as an artifact, but is rather in the act itself of creating the summary.

Scott P. Johnson