SeqAhead Workshop on High Performance Computing for Next Generation Sequencing analysis

Next Generation Sequencing has brought unprecedented volumes of data to the bioinformatics arena. Cost reduction in NGS forecasts massive adoption of these technologies by the genome research community. High Performing Computing might be a necessary choice for an efficient processing and analysis of this daunting amount of data.

The HPC4NGS SeqAhead workshop presents recent advances in the application of High Performing Computing solutions for NGS. The workshop covers HPC developments for assembly, mapping, RNA-seq, variant analysis, and more and it is targeted to bioinformaticians and computer scientists with interest in NGS.

I had the chance to participate to this nice workshop at the Bioinformatics Institute of the “Centro de Investigacion Principe Felipe” in Valencia this week and it was amazing to discover many new talented colleagues, their projects and some interesting approaches to those same issue I live at work everyday and witness a growing, real, appreciation for us “IT guys” in this biologist’s driven world which today Bio-Informatics is…

a Valencia

In occasione del meeting internazionale HPC4NGS eccomi pronto a partire per València …

Questo spazio vuol essere un diario di quel che vedrò e farò nella terza città  più grande di Spagna, le cui foto su Flickr e sugli altri social mi hanno molto emozionato ed incuriosito.

La URL del Tumblr è in onore dell’edificio forse oggi più rappresentativo della città , l’Oceanogràfic ...