What a morning!
Years ago I saw this church appear on Instagram and I’d made a mental note to make sure I visited it if I was ever in the area. I landed in Venice and drove straight to Verona for the night and woke super early to see this cliff side beauty in cold morning light. It was quite an adventure to get to it as it was minus 5, the path down was incredibly and dangerously icy and I was not in shoes with grip. But I tried to make the way down as fun as possible. Those who saw my Stories would have seen! On that note. I am trying to get better at uploading photos more quickly but Stories is offering a great channel to show things in real time. The problem is that when I travel I also like to get to know a city at night and its locals and socialise so often I’m out all day taking photos and then in the evening hanging out and not having much time to edit.
Anyhow, if you ever go to Venice or Verona I totally recommend a half day trip to see this church. It’s even more impressive than the amazing Las Lajas Sanctuary the hillside church in Ipiales in southern Colombia IMHO.
Allan Edward Hinton è un fotografo londinese che, come tanti al mondo, ha preso baracca e burattini e si è lanciato in un lunghissimo viaggio nel mondo abbandonando i suoi possedimenti. E oggi riporta spezzoni del suo viaggio con una serie di scatti dal mondo.
E mi sono ritrovato a pensare quanta bellezza ha il lato ‘antico’ del mondo, quello meno civilizzato … un tesoro di emozioni e cultura sempre pronto per essere gustato a chi si astrae dalle quotidiane fatiche e si concede il lusso di fermarsi e guardare.