- Tutela del copyright o business? Come difendersi dalle agenzie dei Photography Defender – articolo interessantissimo, su segnalazione di Cristiano;
- Just use Email — “Just Use Email is a site dedicated to the various ways people and small to medium-sized businesses (SMBs) should just use email to manage their digital life, their business, and their productivity, all without the use of third-party tools, SaaS subscriptions, two dozen logins, and twenty different interfaces. The premise of this site is that often just using email allows us to be more efficient, effective, and focused, even when offline.”
- 6 Questions for the Boss Who Wants You Back in Your Cubicle — Here’s how to find out if your workplace’s return-to-office plans are actually safe;
- To Build a Diverse Company for the Long Term, Develop Junior Talent — un bell’articolo sull’Harvard Business Review su diversità e inclusione, nonchè cultura (aziendale e non);
- Foster’s Real-World Guide to Getting Your First 1,000 Email Subscribers — Real stories of how online writers got their first 1,000 subscribers