Al momento la mia collezione di appunti per questa rubrica è abbastanza corta, questo vuol dire che rispetto a qualche occasione passata i link proposti sono di pubblicazioni molto recenti. E recentemente in capo tech si è parlato (sin troppo forse) di “intelligenza artificiale” e di come approcciarsi correttamente ad essa. Da qui, la presenza di tre articoli su cinque in questo mio post.
Come sempre, buona lettura!
Ci sono 12 articoli con tag insegnamento (questa è la pagina 1 di 2).
Real learning comes through doing things, failing, connecting, exploring, discovering.
That is at the heart of what it means to be a human, and that’s how we learn to ride a bike, it’s how we learn to walk, it’s how we learn to talk, it’s how we learn to cook.
I do think humanity and culture will outlast whatever current constructs we have around the educational-industrial complex. And we need to teach people how to be able to have a thoughtful, spirited conversation in which it’s possible to change your mind. I don’t think we’re teaching people how to do that in a traditional school setting, and we’re paying the price for it.
Seth Godin, Offscreen Magazine nº23
Letture suggerite del 27 dicembre 2020
Letture suggerite del 6 dicembre 2020
- Quick, work remote! A guide on how to set up your remote working strategy — “An important premise that applies to everything: the cultural change that needs to happen is that the company should start thinking of being distributed — 100% remote — even if there’s the expectation an office somewhere.”
- The Remoteness Continuum
- Adjacent skills: how to widen your career perspective
- Se Google si occupa della nostra salute
- Adesso la scuola ha bisogno di nuove priorità — bellissima riflessione dell’insegnante Franco Lorenzoni qualche settimana fa sulle pagine de L’Internazionale;
Letture suggerite del 18 ottobre 2020
- What to write down when you’re reading to learn – un approccio al ‘note taking‘ per studio o per la propria cultura personale;
- Why beginners should teach — Beginners teaching will create more compassion, combat imposter syndrome, and diversify industry voices.
- How to talk to conspiracy theorists—and still be kind
- Major jQuery Changes on the Way for WordPress 5.5 and Beyond
- What’s New in WordPress 5.5 — A Deep Dive Into an (Epic) Release — by Kinsta a super detailed post on all the news of the latest release of WordPress;
Letture suggerite del 9 agosto 2020
- What’s New in Thunderbird 78 — il mio client di posta elettronica preferito ha subito uno dei più importanti aggiornamenti della sua vita. In questo post il team di sviluppo ne racconta le novità;
- 10 More (Leadership!) Lessons from 10 Years Working in a Fully-Distributed and Remote Company — Sara Rosso torna sull’analisi del lavoro remoto dopo un decennio speso in Automattic, crescendo da 50 ad oltre 1200 persone;
- Factcheck: How electric vehicles help to tackle climate change — lungo e dettagliato articolo sulla vera "impronta ambientale" delle auto elettriche e del loro impatto sull’inquinamento;
- School as We Knew It Is Over. What Comes Next? – Even before the pandemic, schools weren’t really doing their job;
- How to Leave Work at Work
letture suggerite del 26 marzo 2020
- “Hello Ruby! Adventure in Coding” An entry course of CS to open up children’s five senses — tips of teaching
- In culo il marketing online – un’altro splendido numero (a parte la parolaccia nel titolo) della newsletter di Guido;
- Why you should run a 64 bit OS on your Raspberry Pi4 — quando i fatti ‘cosano’ le teorie;
- The world is facing an air pollution pandemic
- Just 100 companies responsible for 71% of global emissions, study says — vecchio di 2 anni, ma ancora attuale temo…
Mi prendo un attimo di pausa dal segnalare articoli sul coronavirusSARS-CoV-2, dandoci un attimo di tregua…
letture suggerite del 19 febbraio 2020
- The great paradox of our time: everything is both better and worse than ever before
- Your online activity is now effectively a social ‘credit score’
- Don’t Teach Your Kid to Code. Teach Them to Communicate. – questo, per me, sta diventando un tema hot e leggo quanto più possibile in materia;
- Man Tracks Down People He Photographed in the Street 40 Years Ago to Recreate Their Pictures
- The environmental cost of keeping mail and files online keeps rising — Data we don’t even use requires as much energy as the airline industry, according to Parnassus Investments analyst Andrew Choi. Non è la prima volta, in questi ultimi mesi, che sento e leggo di questo inquietante aspetto della nostra società.
Lo scopo dell’educazione scolastica (pubblica)
… the purpose of education in a democracy ought to be to prepare children for their role as citizens and that means that they learn to think for themselves, that they ask a lot of questions, that they question authority, that they stand up for what they believe in, and that they understand that their contribution to the world cannot be measured in money. The project of self-governance requires educated citizens, people who are self-motivated, who are sociable, and who work well with others. That is why I teach.
Those Mythological “Jobs Of Tomorrow”
letture suggerite del 24 febbraio 2019
- Che cos’è e a cosa serve il giornalismo oggi
- Scuola, prima o poi qualcuno ringrazierà gli insegnanti per il loro lavoro?
- iPhones are hard to use
- Celebrate Fifteen Years of Fedora
- Getting the iPad to Pro – il nuovo iPad Pro è un computer dal futuro, con il software di ieri.