- Così non impari
- The revenge of the pop-up – Nobody wants them. Nobody likes them. Why is the worst UI element of all time ubiquitous again?
- La fine del traffico – bellissima riflessione di Valerio Bassan. DA LEGGERE! ⚠️
- Archive or make copies of the information you store in iCloud – Learn how to archive or make copies of the information that you use with iCloud:
- Discarded, not destroyed: Old routers reveal corporate secrets – When decommissioning their old hardware, many companies ‘throw the baby out with the bathwater’
machine learning
Ci sono 8 articoli con tag machine learning (questa è la pagina 1 di 1).
cambiare tutto per non cambiare niente
… le necessità e le voglie degli esseri umani restano le stesse da qualche migliaio di anni: comunicare, commerciare, incontrare nuove persone, giocare… Qualsiasi nuova tecnologia venga fuori (gli smartphone, GPT o il teletrasporto) cambierà tutto perché fornirà nuovi mezzi per soddisfare tutto ciò, ma non cambierà niente negli esseri umani che restano gli stessi.
Luca Accomazzi
Tutto quello che ho da dire sull’AI
The more I’ve learned about information science, effective information behaviors, the organization of information, information literacy, and the research process, I realize that the common thing uniting all of these things is summarization.
In short, the key skill for making sense of the world of information is developing the ability to concisely and precisely summarize some body of information in your own words.
Trying to replace this learning process with automated tools is the antithesis of intelligence—the value in summarization is not the produced summary as an artifact, but is rather in the act itself of creating the summary.
Scott P. Johnson
letture suggerite del 12 febbraio 2023
- Mastodon: A New Hope for Social Networking
- Perché in Italia gli stipendi sono così bassi
- Atkinson Hyperlegible Font – “Atkinson Hyperlegible font is named after Braille Institute founder, J. Robert Atkinson. What makes it different from traditional typography design is that it focuses on letterform distinction to increase character recognition, ultimately improving readability. We are making it free for anyone to use!”;
- How to Block ChatGPT From Using Your Website Content ⬅️ super consigliato (anche se forse è ormai tardi);
- Sai cos’è un deinfluencer?
Un po’ in ritardo oggi, chiedo perdono.
Letture suggerite del 10 ottobre 2021
- 20 ideas for better data visualization
- How to Make Yourself Into a Learning Machine – Shopify’s Director of Production Engineering explains how reading broadly helps him get to the bottom of things;
- The CEO with an Empty Calendar – How the founder of Doist manages a team of 80 without meetings;
- Machine Learning’s crumbling foundations – Cory Doctorow on ML current development status;
- The Ideology of Human Supremacy — “The somber truth is that the vast bulk of nature’s staggering abundance has already disappeared. We live in a world characterized primarily by the relative silence and emptiness of its natural spaces. Underlying this devastation is the ideology of human supremacy—claiming innate superiority over nonhuman forms of life. But is human supremacy innate to humanity, or rather something specific pertaining to our dominant culture?”
Uomini e macchine
L’amico Paolo Genta mi segnala questa iniziativa tra l’editore Condè Nast Italia e la software house Res che ha portato alla realizzazione di una serie di articoli sulle tematiche: Machine learning, tecnologie AWS come Neptune (DB a grafo) e tutta la ricerca che c’è stata per associare ricette, taggarle automaticamente per potere poi estrarre informazioni e suggerire all’utente finale possibili correlazioni.
When Food meets AI: the Smart Recipe Project è una serie composta dai seguenti sei articoli (in lingua inglese):
- Part 1: Cleaning and manipulating food data
- Part 1: A smart method for tagging your dataset!
- Part 2: NER for all tastes: extracting information from cooking recipes
- Part 2: Neither fish nor fowl? Classify it with the Smart Ingredient Classifier
- Part 3: FoodGraph: a graph database to connect recipes and food data
- Part 3. FoodGraph: Loading data and Querying the graph with SPARQL
Buona lettura!